Gothic text from

Scrapbook project

Quiz 4 "Space Star plot analysis"

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Dr. Heidegger's Experiment

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment:" Story Analysis

Meet the Author

Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 – 1864) was born in Salem, Massachusetts. He started writing short stories, and then began to write novels. The Scarlet Letter is Hawthorne’s best-known novel. It made him famous around the world. Hawthorne is one of America’s greatest writers.

My Summary

This story is about 1 doctor who was doing an experiment, 3 men, and 1 woman. They are now old the 3 men loved that woman, when they were young. The doctor’s experiment was about the Fountain of Youth. He wanted them to drink that water to change their mistakes, but when they become young again, they start fighting. At the end of the story the rose become brown again, and they turned old again, but they want to look for the Fountain of Youth.

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Plot Analysis

The doctor shows them his experiment.
Rising Action
1-    The Doctor poured some of the water onto the rose.

2-    The rose turned red, fresh and lovely.

3-    He talks about the Fountain of Youth.

4-    The Doctor tells them to drink that water.

5-    They drink and become young again.

6-    They start fighting.

7-    The vase fell to ground, and the water was poured on the ground.

8-    The rose began to shrink, it was dry and brown again.
    They became old again.
    They make plans to leave for Florida, because they want to find the Fountain of Youth to drink the water again.

Dr. Heidegger
Mr. Medbourne
Mr. Gascon
Colonel Killigrew
Widow Wycherly
He was a famous politician
He eats and drink a lot
He was rich
He was a great soldier
She was beautiful
Now she’s not beautiful
He begs for money

The moral of this story is that we always one a second chance to do something better or change our mistakes, but when we have it, we waste it at all. It doesn’t matter if we are young or old, nobody here is eternal, we know since we born that we must die. If we are young we do a lot of mistakes but when we get old we want to change everything, but why to change when we are old, we can try to be better when we are young. Even whether a person is old, they keep doing mistakes, no one is perfect. Nobody escapes neither become old nor of the death. The question is: if you have a second chance how would you use it?

My Opinion
Yes, I liked it very much, because it was very interesting to know about something like the “Fountain of Youth”. I enjoyed it also because it’s true, sometimes when we have a lot of things and money and those things, we forget about what is more important money or happiness. The irony of the story is that they wanted to be young; they get it, although at the end they become old again, for me it is the irony of the story. I enjoyed it a lot.

“Three Hundred Pesos:” Story Analysis

Meet the Author
Manuela Williams Crosno (1905- 1977) lived most of her life in New Mexico. She loved the state, and she used it as the setting for her stories. They all take place in and around Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Taos. Crosnos usually wrote about Spanish settlers who lived on the land more than one hundred years ago. Crosno taught English for many years. She was also a poet and an artist. Her article “Why I Teach School” won First Prize in a statewide writing contest.
My Summary
This story is about Emilio, Anastacio, and Berta; they are siblings. Anastacio is a selfish person, he only wants money to become a storekeeper, even if his siblings need money for their families. Anastacio works to get Three Hundred Pesos, with that money he wants to have a store. He thinks that all bad things that happen to him are blame of his siblings. At the end Anastacio dies thanks to his greedy and miserliness.

Plot Analysis
Anastacio is very greedy, and he wants to become storekeeper.
Rising Action:
1-      Emilio needs money to buy medicine to his son, but Anastacio doesn’t lend him the money.
2-      Anastacio needs Three Hundred Pesos to become a storekeeper.
3-      He starts working to get the money.
4-      Large pieces of hail fell over the village.
5-      The Anastacio’s corn was destroyed.
6-      Emilio went to talk with Anastacio, but Anastacio wanted to put the blame for the hail on his brother.
7-      Berta goes to Anastacio’s house for help.
8-      Anastacio refused to help her.
9-      Anastacio thinks that Berta is somehow responsible for the ruined corn.
10-  Anastacio planted pinto beans.
11-  He went to sell the beans.
Anastacio dies in an accident when he was going to sell the beans.
His siblings found him dead, and they are going to use the Three Hundred Pesos to make him a beautiful funeral.

Good Father


Not all is money in life, we need it but it is not all. This taught me that we have to keep looking what we want, we have to follow our dreams, and even if things are bad you must keep fighting and trying to do what we really want. The family is better than money; again, money is not all in life.
My Opinion
Yes I liked the story, it is very good, and has a good message to us. Sometimes we need to be like Anastacio, not greedy, selfish or stingy, but we should be hardworking, and trust in our skills or abilities. We don’t have to settle, we have to keep doing what we love or like. Emilio taught me that we have to humble, and prefer family more than money, and Anastacio taught me that we must try to do our best, and follow our dreams or goals.

Jean K's blog
